Written by Don Louth July 2024
First Peter chapter Four and verse Seventeen, For the time is come that judgment must first begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
This sermonette is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Sharon, who is with Jesus, awaiting the resurrection and the great gathering of the Saints around the Throne of God. Privileged to be with her for fifty-eight years and will enjoy being with her forever when this life is over.
First Begins At Us
First Peter chapter Four and verses Sixteen through verse Eighteen, Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify
God on this behalf. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
We as Christians are first partakers of Judgment. Our sins must be judged. Our judgment comes when we confess our sins to Jesus and plead for his forgiveness. Jesus is faithful and just to forgive, (First John chapter One and verse Nine). We continue our judgment by submitting ourselves to Jesus so he will cleanse us with his precious blood, that he shed on the cross for our redemption. Through the Spirit of God we are made ‘new creatures’ in Christ Jesus. This action is called ‘The New Birth.’ Notice Acts chapter Four and verse Twelve, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name given among men, whereby we must be saved. Our saving and cleansing come through no other source except Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.
Everyone will come to the time of judgment for all they are and have done in this life. Notice what the Bible says in Second Corinthians chapter Five and verse Ten, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. All will give an account of what we have done during our time living on this earth. Simply stated is the fact that we are all sinners until we accept Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, on the cross. We can be freed from sin or continue to live in sin. If we are freed, we are deemed acceptable of God for an eternity in heaven. If we continue in sin, we will face the penalty for sin which is death, (Romans chapter Six and verse Twenty-three).
Let’s look at First Timothy chapter Five and verse Twenty-four, Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment and some follow after. Many come to judgment with Jesus confessing their sins during their lifetime and others take them with them to their death and therefore will be judged afterwards at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Those who take care of their sin problem before death will go with Jesus in the Rapture, (caught up experience), when the saints are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This is what is meant by ‘judgment first beginning with us. All of mankind has an opportunity to rid himself or herself from sin before their time of judgment comes. At death we are either saved from sin or sinners. Those saved from sin will be cared for by Jesus in Paradise. Sinners are reserved for judgment, (Second Peter chapter Two and verse Nine).
God always brings judgment to his people first. Israel has been God’s people for many years. They have been judged for their sins by not following God’s commandments. God’s blessing always come with conditions. We must be obedient children of God to make heaven our home. Lack of obedience will bring us to judgment. This judgment or punishment results from our disobedience and is designed to bring us back to rightful service to our God. If we don’t return from our wrongful ways we will be accounted as sinners and receive the same judgment resulting in being lost forever. Thank God for his corrective measures. If we are corrected, or punished, then are we children of God. We must accept correction and return to righteousness. When we do and reinstate our righteous behavior, we will again receive blessings from our Lord. Rejection of punishment brings disaster to us, (Notice Hebrews chapter Twelve and verse Nine).
Life is all about choices. Whom will you serve, (Joshus chapter Twenty-four and verse Fifteen)? You can choose to serve Jesus, the Son of God, or Satan, the spirit of darkness and rebellion against God. According to Matthew chapter Six and verse Twenty-four, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. The people had come to a point where God was with Joshua to demand of the people to choose who they would serve. We all come to this point sometime in life. Everyone comes to a crossroad. God will bring you there even if you desire to not face it. If you come to death and you have not chosen Jesus, then you have chosen Satan. There is no other choice. In the time of Joshua it was a choice of Baal or God. Baal is Satan’s religion. Many in America are choosing Baal instead of God even in our times.
It’s time you realized that you are making a choice each and every day you live. My question is Whom do you choose?
Written by Don Louth - May 2020
The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached to the entire world. It must begin with each of us who claim Christianity as our way of life. The day is approaching that all of God's people will reign with him for one-thousand years. First, we must reach each one with the Gospel of our Savior.
This message is dedicated to my precious wife of fifty-eight years who is with the Lord in heaven. When Jesus calls me, I will be with her forever more. God has a plan that benefits his people.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the single most important message for all of mankind. Eternal life is in the balances. The Gospel of Jesus gives us the information that allows us to know how to be saved from our life of sin. Romans chapter ten and verse fourteen states: How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
This gospel of Jesus must be spoken to all people everywhere. In that number are our friends, our relatives, our neighbors, even our enemies. All must hear the truth of the gospel. We must give the answer to the question, What must I do to be saved? We must not give an alternative route; we must bring the truth of the gospel to everyone. Some people will not receive. Some will even become angry about our message, but it must be told as our God so directed in his word. It is not 'our' gospel. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have had several people approach me wanting me to change the truth to suit them and their thoughts. I never will change the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not my gospel. And he will never change. In the book of Galatians chapter one and verse nine, we read; As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Paul is letting the people know that the gospel of Jesus cannot and must not be changed.
John the Baptist, and Jesus both started their preaching by telling us that we must repent. We must admit we have sinned and ask our Savior Jesus to cleanse us of our sins with his blood that was shed for us on the cross. No other path will bring us cleansing and forgiveness. When we believe on Jesus to be the Son of God and that he died on the cross for our sins, we reach out to him in giving our lives totally to him. We surrender our will to his will. We must be renewed through his Spirit. Old things will pass away, and all things will become new.
First Corinthians chapter five and verse seventeen states: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. Romans chapter twelve and verse two states: And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. We are admonished to have a new mind, the mind of Christ. This brings about Godly thinking. God gives us 'callings' to do what he has created us to do. All of us are a part of God's great plan to reach everyone with his plan of redemption. How prepared are you to take the gospel to others?
The scriptures admonish us to study the word of God so we can know. The Holy Ghost is given to us so we can remember, but we must 'study' so we will have information to 'recall'. Prayer also must be a continual part of our daily lives with the Lord. The scripture tells us to 'pray without ceasing'. This does not mean that we are all day praying. It means that we live daily with an attitude of prayer. Our Lord can speak to us at any time of the day or night. Or as we think about others through our day we will stop and talk to the Lord about the need.
We are faced with the thought that we do not just have a set time of the day or week to do our praying. It is important to have such a time each day, but praying does not always wait until that time to talk to Jesus. Being given to our Savior is a constant life, all day every day. The whole idea is to be given to sharing the gospel so that others can know what our Lord has done for us, and what he can do for them. Wanting to do things our way is not the life that Christians live. When we become "children of God", our will, becomes God's will.
Each day is a new opportunity. We will not always take advantage of witnessing as we should. Missed advantages are a time of remorse, but we need to use this as an opportunity to pray and learn from our failures. We can become stronger by renewing our determination to do better. We are in a battle with Satan, and he causes us to come up short at times. Prayer is always a key to becoming stronger and more determined in our Christian experience. It is important to not allow a time of failure to keep us from pressing onward. In this we grow in the spirit of God. A child who is learning to walk falls to the ground but does not give up. He continues to try and soon is walking, one step at a time.
We are children of God and each day we live for our Savior we grow stronger. The reading of the Bible and continuing in prayer is the nutrition that is so needed. Remember, the life of growing in the spirit of God and becoming stronger is God's designed path to victory. No one becomes all they will ever be in a brief period of time. Our journey on earth is a constant walk of increasing victory. One song writer said 'every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.
Ask yourself, what is there that I can do to reach others for Jesus? Then talk to Jesus in prayer about what you can do. You will find that you will feel in your heart things that you feel you can and want to do. Jesus talks to us and guides us in many ways. Remember to pray about everything you do in life. It is important to have God's blessing on every aspect of what you do.
Some things God wants for you will take training. Bible school is important for each of us who feel their calling to minister to others. Always know the importance of talking with your pastor about your feelings of service in the work of the Lord. Realize that he is extremely interested in helping you. We are never alone in our work for Jesus. The church has resulted in our knowledge of being laborers together for our Lord.
As Christians, we are responsible to take this gospel to the regions beyond. Beginning at home and then beyond until all have heard. Our duty is really not to save people, but to inform them of the way to be saved. Each must make their own choice to receive or reject. As a young minister, I wrestled with this thinking for some time. I felt that everyone I spoke to either in person or in a congregation should respond to the message of salvation. I felt defeated when I had failed to get a proper response. In prayer, on several occasions, the Lord had to remind me that mine was to 'preach his gospel'. Each one had to make their own choice. I must not become defeated by those who reject the call of God.
We once heard the terminology, "Keep keeping on". I must reach as many as I can. Life goes by quickly and it is important to realize the seriousness of our time doing the will of our Savior. He will never forsake you in your mission. When you pray, he listens, and he responds. You can count on it.
Christians have a desire to witness for Jesus. As soon as we give our lives to our Savior, he places his spirit within us. That spirit of God makes us feel a drive to tell others of our experience. To develop this desire, we need Bible reading, Prayer, and Worship, and involvement with other Christians. This makes attending a Bible centered, Spirit filled church that gives us opportunity to fellowship with other Christians. In this atmosphere we can increase the knowledge of the Lord and grow in his spirit.
There is an absolute urgency to reach others for Jesus. Remember that every time you tell others of Jesus and his saving grace, you will not get a positive response. Be not discouraged; Keep keeping on so that all may hear.
Written by Don Louth July 2024
Acts chapter One and verse Eight, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
This sermonette is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Sharon, who is with Jesus, awaiting the resurrection and the great gathering of the Saints around the Throne of God. Privileged to be with her for fifty-eight years and will enjoy being with her forever when this life is over.
My Witness
Taking the Gospel to the regions beyond is a lifelong task. All Christians are scripturally directed to do this. The great commission given is found in Matthew chapter Twenty-eight and verse Nineteen, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
All who know Jesus as their personal Savior are commissioned to go tell others. I have heard people say it’s the preacher’s job to tell others. This is not true, of course. Preachers are those who feel the calling of Jesus to ‘preach the word.’ My calling from Jesus was “to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” We are told by Scripture that for us to do this as ministers, we must first be ‘partakers of the fruit,’ (Second Timothy chapter Two and verse Six). So a minister must be given to the Word of God in every way. His is to proclaim the Gospel to our benefit. However, the Great Commission is for all who have received of God’s Spirit and are to tell all we can of the Saving grace of Jesus. We are all witnesses.
We must realize that our task is vitally important to every person alive on the planet. All have sinned and are eternally away from God and need saving grace through Jesus, who died on the cross to rid us of our sins. Unless others know of his power to save, they won’t be saved and will be eternally lost. This is why we must tell all we can of our experience of salvation. Our own testimony is our best witness.
I came to know Jesus at Nine years of age. Our home was next door to the pastor’s home. He took a personal interest in our family and was able to persuade my parents to attend a revival service at the local church. All of our family of five, went to the altar and found Jesus as our personal savior. I grew up in this Christian atmosphere, studying my Bible and praying every day. At the age of Thirteen Jesus spoke to me, awaking me up from sleep, and ask me in an audible voice if I would preach his gospel. I agreed to do just that. Going through my teens was interesting because I spent much time studying the word of God and involving in as much activities as possible to learn more about my Lord.
I have always had the presence of Jesus with me to guide me and help me in all my participations. I can say with confident truthfulness that God will go with you every day and as you continually pray and seek his will, he will help you in everything you encounter. This is absolute; he will never fail you. The Bible says in Psalm Thirty-four and verse Nineteen, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. That is quite a promise and a statement of fact. If we will be faithful to our God, he will be with us every day, all day.
If you are a Christian, you were told about Jesus and his power to save from sin. Yes, you were informed. Likewise each and every person should have this opportunity to receive Jesus into their life and receive forgiveness of sin, followed by an infilling of God’s Spirit. We are informed that by receiving the power from on high which is given by Jesus through the Holy Ghost, that we will be guided into all truth through the Spirit of God each and every day of our journey. This salvation through Jesus, the eternal Son of God, is for all people, everywhere. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, will not perish but have everlasting life. Notice that the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, (John chapter Three and verse Sixteen and Romans chapter Six and verse Twenty-three).
The question is, If you are a Christian, will you use your testimony to witness to others? If you are not a Christian, will you this day ask Jesus to come into your heart, confessing that you have sinned and asking Jesus to forgive and cleanse you, making you suitable for the Kingdom of God. Jesus died on the cross for you to be saved from a life of sin. Trust him to do this in your life today. Ask him to make you the person that he wants you to be. He is anxious to hear your prayer just now. When we call upon the Lord Jesus for salvation he will hear and answer your prayer. He awaits your call to him.
Notice Isaiah chapter Fifty-five and verse Seven:
Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God; for he will abundantly pardon.
God wants all people, everywhere, to come to him, receiving him as their Lord and their God.
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